Poster for the rally "To Want It Is to Create It: An Inclusive School for an Inclusive Society." October 23, 2022, at Callao Square in Madrid, Spain, at 12:00 PM.

Wanting it is creating it: A school for an inclusive society

Quererla es Crearla (Wanting it is creating it) summons a PROTEST MARCH for the fulfillment of a right that benefits all people
  • Place: Plaza del Callao, Madrid (Spain)
  • Date: October 23, 2022
  • Time: 12:00 h


The people and groups that promote this initiative strongly believe in the need to transform and improve the Spanish educational system from an inclusive perspective, with the conviction that, in this way, we contribute to the development of a fairer, more equal and ultimately more democratic society.

We share the basic moral principle of considering that all human beings are equal in dignity and rights, regardless of differential characteristics in terms of gender, ability, beliefs, social status or any other, and that these characteristics constitute the richness of human diversity through which we configure plural societies.

We affirm that this conviction in favor of inclusive education is based on an extensive corpus of norms, conventions and international treaties. In terms of human rights, this corpus configures an International Code of Human Rights, which gives legitimacy and legal support to the aspirations that mobilize us to achieve deeper and sustained progress in inclusive education.

We remind that the Spanish Constitution, in accordance with its article 96.1, requires that the international treaties that Spain ratifies in the field of human rights, become part of its legal system. Due to their nature of higher-ranking regulations, These treaties require lower rank norms (laws, regulations or other provisions) to be accommodated to the obligations contained in them.

We know, in addition, that the United Nations System has established inclusive education as one of the main Sustainable Development Goals, within the framework of the 2030 Agenda (SDG 4). It is an inescapable commitment for all states to advance, without delay, towards development of quality educational systems guided by equity and inclusion.

We are aware that this educational and social ambition entails, however, a deep and systemic transformation of the current educational systems, through a process that must be made sustainable over time, and that will require determination, will and effective resources. Despite all that, this transformation cannot be delayed, because what is at stake is the school life and the future of many girls and boys who today live in situations of exclusion, and it does not accept delays.

We rely on a vast corpus of knowledge and research in this area, carried out with the highest level and rigor, which have shown that the development of inclusive school cultures, policies and practices is not only fair and necessary, but also possible and feasible. We are opposed to all this being overshadowed by false beliefs, myths, misunderstandings, hoaxes and lies.

We demand coherent capacity planning in the short, medium and long term, accompanied by a sustained and sufficient investment to generate adequate capacities in the system and in teachers at all educational stages. This planning and investment will allow the creation and construction of school cultures, policies and practices that embody the values ​​of equality, respect for diversity and the development of freedom, so that all students, without euphemisms, can share a common space for learning and participation. There they will feel part of the group of boys and girls from their neighborhoods, towns or environments, being accepted and recognized for who they are.

We act as free and responsible citizens, without ties to economic interests or any other type, except for the best interests of children and the fulfillment of the rights that all boys and girls have recognized.

We are convinced that we are assisted by reason, legality, and ethics worried about the care, full life and well-being of all, and here we declare:

We want an Inclusive Education and we are going to support every person and group that is willing to create it, because in this way we advance in our humanity, and because this will be the best legacy for our sons and daughters, for future generations and to help achieve a sustainable and worth living life in a dignified society for everyone.